Autokinos / Drive -In. The legendary autocinos in Germany, almost all

have disappeared. Once there were up to 48 autocinos / drive-in, along route 66. Today many ruins of the drive-in are on the line. Only one thing is really on the Historic Route 66, but there are still a few others that have survived and re-radiate in full glamor. Of course, I visited them and show them to you, which I could still find. Autocinos / drive-in have a special flair. No matter whether the sound is played over the Autoradio or the traditional loudspeaker systems, it is always an experience in the free Kinofilme to see. Of course, I also tried in the autocinos / drive-in the famous snack bars and was not disappointed. Popcorn and Hotdog belong to a Kinobesuch to it. I show you some Autokinos / Drive-In also from the air so you can see how great they were once and which today have been conquered by nature again.