Route 66 Monument

Short Movies / Movie Trailer


Route 66 Trailer 1
Route 66 Traler 1
Route 66 Trailer 2
Route 66 Trailer 2
Route 66 Trailer 3
Route 66 Trailer 3


Here you can see in 3 Video short films (trailer), what awaits you. A quality and sample of the film, you can see, in the long video excerpt. It shows how the RoadMovie is built and how I bring you the

USA Flagge Route 66
For english visitors

documentation. It’s just a recipe! There are places, relics and some places on the Blu-Ray. It will show you only a small preview of Route 66 videos. In the trailers you can see what awaits you in the 9 hours everything. Also you see that I people of the route 66 and could experience and was allowed. They are really personalities and it was an honor for me to experience them personally.